KonoSuba: God'southward Approval on this Wonderful World! is easily one of the best-known names in the isekai genre. Taking the staples of reincarnation, overpowered allies and game-like mechanics and turning them on their head for zany slapstick hijinks, the serial became known every bit an isekai that was unafraid to make fun of itself.

Although the anime was jam-packed with hilarious antics, at that place were a number of changes between the light novels and their onscreen adaptation. With the electric current buzz surrounding the potential of an upcoming anime project, besides as the global release of theKonoSuba mobile game, it'south the perfect time to go back and learn well-nigh the anime's predecessor. Covering Flavour 1 of the bear witness and Volumes 1 and ii of the light novels, here are the biggest alterations to the misadventures of Kazuma and company.

Kazuma & Co. Meeting Wiz in the Graveyard

Aqua tries to purify Wiz in KonoSuba

When Wiz first appears in theKonoSuba anime, her unexplained relationship with Kazuma, Aqua and the rest of the crew feels like a flake of an afterthought. While Kazuma explains to viewers that they met her when she was serving as a guide to the afterlife for wayward spirits, but a few seconds of visuals back-trail this account. In the light novels, an entire department of Book 1 is devoted to the quest he mentions.

The party beginning come across Wiz when they take a quest to defeat a monster chosen a Zombie Maker, which, truthful to its proper noun, turns normal corpses into zombies. They end upwards parlaying with Wiz, clearing out her operations and taking over the job of spirit purification. Of course, in typical fashion, this distraction from the Zombie Maker job results in them declining their mission. Information technology provides an early look at Aqua'due south powers every bit a goddess to easily thwart the undead and showcases Wiz's nature as a Lich more clearly. It's also an example of the calorie-free novels going into more particular regarding monsters and skills that the anime glosses over.

The Party'southward Commencement Cabbage Quest Gets More Detail in the Anime

Cabbages are alive in KonoSuba

The first compulsory quest that tests the mettle of Kazuma's political party in KonoSuba is the seasonal cabbage hunt. In the anime, audiences get to encounter how the group work together in activity -- poorly, but somehow finer. This battle first showcased Darkness'due south impenetrable defence, along with her dubious reasons for training it so far. Besides, it may have been this episode that gave Megumin her reputation in Axel as the "crazy Explosion daughter."

Despite all the iconic moments this scene inspired, information technology actually does not appear in the lite novels in whatever detail. Later the quest'southward initial announcement and Kazuma's flabbergasted reaction, the scene cuts just as the adventurers are about to head out. When the narrative starts again, everybody is gathered in the pub recounting the undepicted harvest. Still, while this quest'due south details are left to the reader's imagination, the novels include specifics left out of the anime, such as the fact that other vegetables are also sentient -- including carrot sticks that crawl similar worms.

The Battle With Demon King General Verdia/Beldia

Verdia or Beldia the Dullahan is the first general of the Demon King in KonoSuba

Kazuma's mission in KonoSuba is technically to defeat the Demon King, just most of the time he just stumbles upon the big bad's generals. This was true of the dullahan Verdia (romanized as Beldia in the light novels), the outset of the demonic officers. Verdia first appears in Axel to reveal that Megumin's Explosion practice on a supposedly abandoned castle was actually targeted at his base of operations of operations. Trying to goad them into a climactic boxing, Verdia places a death expletive on Darkness, which is swiftly dispelled by Aqua.

His return signals the first m battle of Kazuma'southward career, but differs slightly betwixt versions. While it plays out similarly, the tactics and contributions of both sides vary t0 fit the pacing of their respective mediums. Still, the largest difference is in the explanation of Verdia's weakness. In the anime, Kazuma'southward discovery of Verdia's water vulnerability seems to be purely based on the general's reaction. In the light novels, Kazuma explains that undead creatures, such as vampires and the similar, are ofttimes repelled by flowing water, showing his genre savviness and suitability for the job.

Kazuma's First Encounter With Eris After Dying

After dying again in the fantasy world, Kazuma is greeted by Eris, Aqua's junior in the goddess hierarchy. Eris initially offers Kazuma the choice of starting over equally a baby in Nippon or moving on to the afterlife, but eventually makes an exception for his revival. While the scene functions similarly in both versions, a few details are changed for the KonoSuba anime.

The light novel'southward meeting with Eris is more than concise and has Kazuma genuinely feeling pitiful afterward existence confronted with the end of his adventure. The anime does atomic number 82 into this, but starts with him ranting to Eris about all the problem his party members put him through and how he'll be relieved to reap the benefits of a comfortable reincarnation. Additionally, though the light novels have Kazuma pass through a plain white door to be revived, the anime makes a bigger show of it with him flight off into a magic circle. The bear witness also has Aqua badmouth Eris by challenge that she pads her chest, which Kazuma exclaims he has no qualms over.

Dust and Keith'southward Intro Was Very Different in the Light Novel

Dust and Keith tell Kazuma about the Succubi in KonoSuba

Another set of characters introduced offhandedly are young man adventurers Dust and Keith. Their start appearance in the KonoSuba anime comes when Kazuma spots them lurking around the succubus shop. Though he says he's gotten to know them recently, no details are given on their meeting. The low-cal novels contain a full risk for Kazuma's first run across with the pair, including a quest with their allies.

Dust first approaches Kazuma in the pub to badger him about how easy life must exist with three beautiful, advanced-class party members. Turning the state of affairs effectually, Kazuma opts to merchandise places with Grit for a day, joining Keith and their other party members Taylor and Rin. He takes the opportunity to bear witness off his quick thinking and creative usage of skills, swiftly becoming the political party's ace. When they return to the lodge, Grit is in tears, having realized the absurdity of dealing with Aqua, Megumin and Darkness. This portion of the light novel not but grants development for 2 characters relegated to the sidelines in the anime, just gives Kazuma someone who tin can sympathize with his plight.

Kazuma Faces Karma in The State of war Against Destroyer

Aqua blasts Mobile Fortress Destroyer in KonoSuba

Season 1 of the KonoSuba anime finishes with the climactic fight against the Mobile Fortress: Destroyer. This is too the conclusion to Volume 2 of the lite novels, but transpires somewhat differently in the written account. In addition to expanding Wiz's appearance at the guild and arming the Destroyer with even more weapons, it allows karmic retribution for Kazuma's panty-stealing ways.

After scaling the side of the Destroyer, Kazuma attempts to use his Steal skill on the head of one of its golems to destroy it. While the tactic is successful, physics and the weight of the object take over, bringing Kazuma's mitt plummeting to the ground and breaking it on touch. A like moment happens when he tries to steal the Coronatite powering the Destroyer, only to horribly fire his hand when information technology reaches him. The journal left behind by the Destroyer's creator also reveals more well-nigh its evolution, including the revelation that its pattern was an accident brought about by crushing a spider on the blueprints.

Go along READING: Konosuba: How to Become Started With the Anime & Manga